Say hello to George Kefalas, Postdoctoral Researcher at Harokopio University

Exploring Coastal Landscapes: Past, Present, and Future

Say hello to George Kefalas, Postdoctoral Researcher at Harokopio University

Driven by a deep passion for the natural world's evolution, George Kefalas is an Environmental Scientist with a PhD in Geography from Harokopio University in Athens, Greece. His doctoral research focused on the dynamics of Mediterranean island landscapes using advanced geostatistical methods, such as object-oriented image classification, spatially explicit machine learning models, and future simulation techniques. George's work revolves around assessing landscape composition and structure, and understanding the intricate interplay between humans, nature, and climate.

Building on his strong background in landscape dynamics, George will concentrate on landscape analysis within the REWRITE Project, examining the past, present, and future states of coastal landscapes in terms of connectivity, fragmentation, and heterogeneity.

Excited by the opportunity to study coastal landscapes across Europe and beyond, George is eager to acquire new knowledge and skills while contributing actively to the restoration and conservation of coastal ecosystems.

Feel free to connect with George at



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