Demonstrator Network

Fostering environmental resilience and sustainability through the study of diverse climates and restoration statuses.

The Demonstrator Network

Studying restoration across Europe, USA and Canada

The REWRITE project's demonstrator network, spanning diverse climates and vital coastal areas, is a vital testing ground for innovative approaches to environmental restoration.

Key Habitats

Studying diverse locations

  • Mudflats with Microphytobenthos

    Mudflats with Microphytobenthos

    Mudflats are coastal areas with fine sediment exposed during low tide, hosting microphytobenthos, microscopic photosynthetic organisms crucial to marine ecosystems.
  • Seagrass Meadows

    Seagrass Meadows

    Intertidal meadows dominated by seagrasses, providing vital habitats for marine life, enhancing water quality, and stabilizing coastal sediments.
  • Saltmarsh


    Coastal wetlands inundated by saltwater, characterized by halophytic plants, offering protection against erosion, supporting diverse wildlife, and promoting biodiversity.

Key facts

Characteristics of the demo sites

  • Climate Variety

    Climate Variety

    From cold to Mediterranean climates, our Demo Sites offer insights into environmental parameters and their relationship with climate change.
  • Anthropogenic Pressures

    Anthropogenic Pressures

    Many of these sites face high anthropogenic pressures due to urbanization, industrial facilities, and pollution, resulting in a decrease and fragmentation of intertidal soft and sediment (ISS) seascapes.
  • Potential for Abandoned Land

    Potential for Abandoned Land

    Some Demonstrator Sites include areas historically used for salt work or agriculture that are now abandoned, offering the opportunity to explore the contribution of such lands to carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation.
  • Significant Coastal Sites

    Significant Coastal Sites

    Demonstrator Sites represent some of the world's most important and threatened coastal sites, with rich social histories and diverse societal uses.
  • Restoration Status

    Restoration Status

    The Demonstrator Sites exhibit varying levels of restoration status, including shoreline modifications, habitat restorations, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Simulation and Experimentation

    Simulation and Experimentation

     The project involves experimental investigations in laboratory facilities to understand the environmental parameters driving ISS seascapes, especially in relation to climate change and biodiversity.