Meet Dr. Ioli Skouroliakou —Microbial Ecologist Contributing to REWRITE’s Biodiversity Research
Advancing the understanding of microbial diversity and ecosystem functions in Europe’s coastal mudflats

Dr. Ioli Skouroliakou is a microbial ecologist with a deep interest in understanding how communities of microorganisms assemble and interact, particularly in the context of global environmental changes. Her research focuses on the vital link between biodiversity and ecosystem functions, which has significant implications for predicting and managing the effects of human-induced pressures on natural systems.
She earned her PhD in Marine Sciences, Biology, and Ecology (2023) from the Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (ULCO) and the Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences (LOG) in France, where she specialized in coastal phytoplankton ecology and biodiversity. This solid foundation in the ecological dynamics of marine microorganisms has been central to her academic journey.
Following her PhD, Dr. Ioli joined the Protistology and Aquatic Ecology group at Ghent University as a postdoctoral researcher and academic assistant (2024–2027). In this role, she balances teaching and research, working across diverse aquatic systems, including marine and estuarine environments, and focusing on organisms such as phytoplankton, bacteria, and parasites.
Within the REWRITE project, Dr. Ioli contributes her expertise to Work Package 3 (WP3), specifically focusing on biodiversity and conservation in Task 3.1. Her research centers on characterizing microbial diversity and linking key microbial taxa to carbon fluxes in mudflat ecosystems. Additionally, she investigates the mechanisms driving microbial community dynamics and how functional traits and composition change across rewilding and non-rewilding sites.
Collaborating closely with PhD student Yeseren Kayacan from Ghent University, Dr. Ioli's work aims to advance understanding of biodiversity's crucial role in ecosystem functions, with a special focus on the importance of microbial communities.