REWRITE members celebrating Science at European Researchers’ Night 2024 in Athens

This remarkable European initiative engages the general public, especially young people, to promote science, research, and technology across more than 400 cities in Europe.
Konstantina Apostolopoulou, a member of the REWRITE project from Harokopio University of Athens, showcased the innovative work being done within our project. Attendees were immersed in the fascinating world of intertidal soft sediment habitats. The core discussion focused on the current status of these habitats and the pressing challenges they face, including biodiversity loss and climate change, exacerbated by pollution and habitat fragmentation.
One of the highlights was the public's keen interest in how mapping ecosystem services through remote sensing and stakeholder engagement can facilitate the rewilding process, ultimately fostering a closer relationship between society and nature.
It was inspiring to see individuals from all ages and disciplines engaging with our work, reigniting our motivation to strive even harder towards achieving the ambitious goals set for REWRITE.