Seagrass Restoration Actions at our Ria de Aveiro’ Demonstartion Site:

In order to revitalize the seagrass beds of Ria de Aveiro, the REWRITE project recently conducted six intensive days of seagrass restoration, spread over July and August.
Seagrass Restoration Actions at our Ria de Aveiro’ Demonstartion Site:

In a bid to revitalize the seagrass beds of Ria de Aveiro, the REWRITE project recently conducted six intensive days of seagrass restoration, spread over July and August. This restoration effort targeted three strategic areas—Laranjo, Antuã, and Aveiro—identified as optimal habitats for the Z. noltei seagrass species based on previous successful restoration outcomes and environmental evaluations.

Over 40 dedicated individuals participated in the restoration activities, contributing a range of expertise from natural sciences and social sciences to economics and communication. This multidisciplinary collaboration reflects the REWRITE project’s holistic approach to environmental restoration, recognizing that lasting change requires diverse knowledge and skills.

The success of these efforts is a promising step toward re-establishing robust seagrass habitats in Ria de Aveiro. These habitats are vital for carbon sequestration, marine biodiversity, and shoreline protection, underscoring the significance of each planting and restoration action. The REWRITE project is committed to continuing its efforts in Ria de Aveiro, fostering resilience and biodiversity within this invaluable ecosystem.

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